A magic word appears before your eyes and is the reason to read this article. It is the word AAR. It is our hotel and it is the first and last word in the tourism of Epirus. The dictionary of magical words in Ioannina is endless and so we can give you some pictures via them. We try to write as many and as meaningful words to bring you an image that even if you do not need a thousand words to describe it you certainly need hundreds.
The first letter in our alphabet is I. The reasons are several. One letter one city: Ioannina. The second reason is the History(Istoria) of Ioannina, born out of the depths of the centuries as it has always been the apple of discord for each power. It was the city that each state, despotate, empire wanted to have. This is how history is written. Especially here ... The Despotate of Epirus ...
The Ioannina history has no limits and restrictions if not specified. The Castle of Ioannina is another piece of Ioannina history with both dark and bright sides. Starting from the bright side we know that Ali Pasha had the castle as the administrative center, where the Greek knowledge flourished, along with his passionate love for Kyra Frosyni...
Before becoming the administrative building of the Ottoman Empire,it belonged to the Byzantine one. In 528 AD Justinian built the castle to militarily fortify the empire and based on the historian Procopius, he transfers the residents of Neas Eyroias there. It is worth mentioning that the Castle of Ioannina is one of the oldest Byzantine castles, but there are signs that tend to form a new archaeological and historical perspective.
Findings corresponding to the Hellenistic period have brought a creative disruption to historians.The rumors and opinions of the existence of an ancient city below the castle are well held and it could not be otherwise since the findings are about the presence of a walled village. It is almost certain that in the coming years we will learn which city is located under our feet...
The Castle of Ioannina covers an area of 200 hectares and includes theIts Kale, where building materials of the Hellenistic period were found. It also includes the Byzantine museum, the Treasury, the Seraglio, the Fethiye Mosque, the Galleys, the mosque of Aslan Pasha and many other museum buildings of the era such as the Turkish library. This is a place where the word history can only be written with a capital H.
We could tell you about other images as well, but we would penalize the image itself and its history. Ioannina is an experience that can not be transported, it must be lived. Our hotel has the name of paradise. The word AAR means heaven for the ancient Egyptians.
For this reason, we created a paradise within the paradise of natural beauty and history, in Ioannina. A different experience to what you knew till now. A different journey to those you have done. One approach that has the denominator of time and a clock that follows the minute hand of history and entertainment simultaneously. Invaluable.
Light and darkness at the castle of Ioannina